Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Party, Party, Party...

We've been in full party mode at the Hearts Residence. Deuce, Jack O'Hearts, and Little 4 are having birthday parties all within 3 weeks of each other. Deuce was easy - she wanted just a sleepover with a couple of friends. Movies, cupcake decorating, popcorn, giggling, and waffles for breakfast. 

You tell that there's a LOT of sugar at that table! 

Jack O'Hearts had an adventure themed party. For that I needed a little more planning. I made State Park type signs to mark the different areas of the backyard and the different activities that we were going to do there. We made a pretty neat-o obsticle course, a stuffed animal safari, crafts, and an ice cream sundae bar.  We finished up the party with s'mores made over the fire pit.
Jack O'Hearts - Adventurer!

Running the obsticle course

Now I'm starting to get the yard ready for Little 4's Carnival Birthday party.  I'll breathe later.